I think the problem has to do with the correspondence of the data which
you are trying to match. I tried to explain this in my previous
response, but I will try again now. In effect, you are trying to relate
the values in the Part_Number field in the Documents table with the
values in the tblPartNumber_ID field in the tblAffectedParts table. I
do not think this is correct. I do not think these values relate. In
your tblPartNumber_ID combobox, what you will *see* when you select an
item from the drop-down list is the value of [Part_Number] & ''
(whatever the purpose of the "& ''" is a mystery, doesn't really seem to
make sense, but that's another issue). This is the second column of the
combobox's Row Source query, as you don't see the first column because
its Column Widths property sets the first column to 0" wide, i.e.
hidden. But the first column is the Bound Column, which is the ID
field, i.e. it has the same *values* as the ID field in the
tblPartnumber table, which is an AutoNumber. So, it seems to me, that
you are trying to open the Documents form where the Part_Number field is
equal to the value of the tblPartNumber_ID combobox (*not* what you
actually see in the combobox, which is not its value), which it will
never be equal to. I think this is what you need to sort out.
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
This one is giving me the following error:
unidentifed function
'Forms![ECO FORM]![subfrmAffectedParts]![tblPartNumber_ID]
in expression
the the field part_number is in my form Documents and also in my
tblPartNumber (Calling it tblDocuments was a mistake) that you see in the
Query. tblPartnumber has the following fields
Part_Number (data type text)
APDesc (data type text)
ID (data type AutoNumber)
The the form Documents was created from a table called Documents and created
from the table not a query
has the following fields:
ID AutoNumber
Part_Number (data type text)
Desc (data type text)
Revision (data type text)
and a few other fields.
tblAffectedParts and has the following fields
Revision (text)
id1 (autonumber)
BaseNumber (text)
Extension (number)
tblPartNumber_ID (number) Lookup field SELECT [ID] AS xyz_ID_xyz,
[Part_Number] & '' AS xyz_DispExpr_xyz, [Part_Number] FROM tblpartnumber
ORDER BY [Part_Number];
and the query qryaffectedparts SQL
SELECT tblAffectedParts.tblPartNumber_ID, tblAffectedParts.REVISION,
tblAffectedParts.BaseNumber, tblAffectedParts.Extension, tblPartNumber.APDesc
FROM tblAffectedParts LEFT JOIN tblPartNumber ON
tblAffectedParts.tblPartNumber_ID = tblPartNumber.ID;
It seems to me that some how, I need to get to the Part_Number field in the
tblPartNumber. But isnt accually part of the subfrmAffectedParts