Trouble Logging On

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Uhh guys can you help me? See all I did was I scanned my comp with Norton
2005 and then changed the bootup programs in msconfig. Then i restarted my
computer and tried to log on to my account it logged on showed my wallpaper
and logged off. Did i do something wrong with the msconfig BTW if you guys
are wondering how i'm typing this i'm using my sis's comp.

I found someone who had the same problem as me but there aren't any
solutions in that thread either. If it helps the thread is
Sorry to add on but I have the same problem and need help desperately. I
cannot get past welcome screen. If any user clicks on their icon the
computer logs on, tries to load personal settings then logs off immediately.
I never can see my desktop! Whats more this happens in safe mode and I
cannot do safe mode command prompt. I do not have a separate windows CD
because XP came loaded with my new (9/2002) Dell desktop.

I also have this problem... Mine started when a Norton AntiVirus scan
identified several files as "spyware" and advised to delete them. Once I did
that, all I get is this... Of course, Norton Tech Support has been NO HELP
at all. (I'm beginning to wonder if he even understands English. :-( )
Same thing with Safe Mode - can';t log in there, either.

I have the Windows XP CD, but I can't get Setup to run - I get to either the
black screen with white boxes across the bottom ("Loading Windwos Setup...)
and the computer stops there, or I get a blue screen with Windwos XP Setup in
the upper right corner, and again the computer stops at that point.

Maybe I have multiple issues going on here????