Trouble downloading PhotoStory3



One of our teachers assigned a PhotoStory3 project after I demonstrated it to
the faculty, and we’ve loaded it successfully on our lab machines and it
works fine. But now I’m hearing from parents saying they can’t get it to
load on their machines….I just spoke with a mom who has a Dell Windows XP
machine, and she’s downloaded Media Player 10 and when she goes to download
PhotoStory3, she’s told that she needs MediaPlayer 10, which she actually has
put on twice now. Then she tried it all on a neighbor’s machine… I feel at
a loss for what to say….and just can’t really suggest where the problem is.
A couple of students had trouble but then I determined that they probably
didn’t have fully registered editions of XP – and I know that Media Player 10
has some features on it that look for unauthorized downloads (or something…?)
Could they be running into trouble with something else downloaded on their

I’d really like to use PhotoStory3 as an educational tool – I think it’s a
nice change from PowerPoint, and the narration feature is something
different, forcing complete sentences! But, the parents are getting prickly
about it all…

John Inzer

Just wondering if the parent saved the
PhotoStory3 (PStory.msi) file to their
hard drive before attempting to install it?

What is the exact error and when do
they receive it?


ClaudiaV said:
One of our teachers assigned a PhotoStory3 project after I demonstrated it to
the faculty, and we’ve loaded it successfully on our lab machines and it
works fine. But now I’m hearing from parents saying they can’t get it to
load on their machines….I just spoke with a mom who has a Dell Windows XP
machine, and she’s downloaded Media Player 10 and when she goes to download
PhotoStory3, she’s told that she needs MediaPlayer 10, which she actually has
put on twice now. Then she tried it all on a neighbor’s machine… I feel at
a loss for what to say….and just can’t really suggest where the problem is.
A couple of students had trouble but then I determined that they probably
didn’t have fully registered editions of XP – and I know that Media Player 10
has some features on it that look for unauthorized downloads (or something…?)
Could they be running into trouble with something else downloaded on their

I’d really like to use PhotoStory3 as an educational tool – I think it’s a
nice change from PowerPoint, and the narration feature is something
different, forcing complete sentences! But, the parents are getting prickly
about it all…

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