Trouble connecting to Microsoft from WinXP Pro SP2 computer on net



The trouble I am having, is that I can't access any Microsoft domain (except
Hotmail, and even that is iffy at times) from my Windows XP Pro computer with
I can connect to other sites just fine, but when I try to connect to MS, it
just gives a Page Cannot Be Displayed error or Server Not Found error.
Windows Update does not connect either. I have tried flushing DNS, etc, and
no go. This happens if directly connected to the modem (no router, no
firewall) or not.

I can connect just fine from my Win2k Pro w/SP4 computer on the same network
using the same connection.

Any ideas?

Hans-Georg Michna

The trouble I am having, is that I can't access any Microsoft domain (except
Hotmail, and even that is iffy at times) from my Windows XP Pro computer with
I can connect to other sites just fine, but when I try to connect to MS, it
just gives a Page Cannot Be Displayed error or Server Not Found error.
Windows Update does not connect either. I have tried flushing DNS, etc, and
no go. This happens if directly connected to the modem (no router, no
firewall) or not.

I can connect just fine from my Win2k Pro w/SP4 computer on the same network
using the same connection.

Check for help. The most important
checkbox to check may be the one concerning strange Internet
Explorer behavior.


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