Bob Davis said:
I've booted XP successfully with a clone in the mobile rack,
marked by XP as drive G:, both with SATA and PATA drives
as the main boot device. The reason I'm apparently avoiding
trouble is that I always boot with C: (system) as the drive that
made the clone (G
. The actual cloned drive (G
is never used
to boot from.
I assume, therefore, that the crux of the issue is to make sure
the new clone isn't the new C: and the "parent" (source of the clone)
isn't in the system when booted.
I'm not sure what "the issue" is, but the crux of cloning a
system and assuring that the clone will be bootable in the
future alone (such as when it is used as a replacement for
a failed hard disk) is to boot it alone when it is booted for
the 1st time. Note that "booted" does not mean "recognized
and included in part of the system as a file structure". "Booted"
here means having a Master Boot Record that takes control
from the BIOS and which then passes control on to the boot
sector of the "active" partition where the ntldr program loads
the system that resides there. If the old system was drive C:,
the clone system will also call itself C: if it is loaded. As drive
C: it will find and name other drives in the system with other
letters. The old Local Disk C: may become Local Disk D:,
but as long as no shortcuts in the loaded system refer drive
letters other than C:, it doesn't matter.
This is a bit confusing. By this description, my situation should be
problematic (see above), but I've never had a problem.
No. In your system, you start up the cloned system, not the clone
system. The clone system does not "boot" - it merely sits there
and becomes part of the old cloned system as an added file structure
in the form of another "Local Disk".
If the drive in the mobile rack (clone) is in the system, it will boot
as any other drive attached to the system unless it is the first time
the OS has seen that particular device, in which case XP sees it
as new hardware and "installs" it. From then on, even after a new
cloning, XP sees that drive as G: and the system boots normally.
You misunderstand the term "boot". "Boot" does not mean
being included in a loaded system as another Local Disk having
an accessible file structure (e.g. D: drive). "Boot" means to "load
itself in stages, starting from practically nothing". A "booted"
system is a system which has loaded itself, starting with the exe-
cution of its own partition's boot sector. A "booted" hard drive is
a hard drive which has had control passed to its Master Boot
Record by the BIOS and which in turn passes control to the boot
sector of the its "active" partition. Since this "active" partition's
boot.ini file might designate that its ntldr program load a system
on some other partition on any hard drive in the system, the loading
of that system is not "booting" per se, but its loading is part of the
process which began with "booting", so sloppy terminology includes
that loading as part of the "boot" process - which began with the
CPU passing control to the BIOS when the CPU felt the power
come on. Since the clone system (e.g. D: drive) does not get
loaded nor partiticipate in the boot process in your scenario, it is
not "booted" nor is it "loaded". It just become accessible as a
file structure that contains data.
I only boot with the clone in the system if I need to retreive specific
files, as when I delete something accidentally from C: and have no
backup elsewhere, which I usually do. Now that I've installed a
USB mobile rack I can insert the cloned drive (G
and it is instantly
recognized, something I couldn't do before with the old IDE-type
interface, which needed to be inserted when powered down and
Be careful with your terminology. "Booted" does not mean
"accessible". You have only booted the old (i.e. cloned) system,
not the (new) clone system.
I assume the USB type of arrangement would never be a problem
since it isn't in the system when booted.
The external USB drive does not contain a bootable system,
i.e. it cannot be booted, it cannot be used as the system drive.
It can only act as another Local Disk with a file structure. If you
have been using an IDE drive in a mobile rack in the same way,
you have not ever booted from the drive containing the clone.
I do clones for backup purposes only, and I see no more ethical
problem approaching backups in this manner than using MS's
own backup program.
It is not the cloning of a system as an archive that MS seems
to object to. It's the cloning of a system with a Master Boot Record
and boot sector and its boot files (e.g. ntldr, boot.ini,,
etc.) on an IDE hard drive so that it is bootable as a system drive
that MS doesn't like.
The fact that I have four or five clones with the OS in each that
I rotate for cloning shouldn't violate the spirit of the EULA, if perhaps
the letter thereof.
In public, MS argues that the letter of the EULA is the spirit
of the EULA. Privately, I doubt that it cares about multiple
installations derived from a single installation CD existing on
a single PC. After all, WinXP won't work on another PC unless
that PC is identical in hardware, and only one copy can work at
any one time, anyway.
All cloning activity is performed on one machine, which is the one
for which the OS is licensed, and none are ever run on any other
computers. So what could possibly be wrong with that practice?
Don't ask that question in a microsoft.* newsgroup unless
you're prepared to argue with half a dozen Microsoft MVPs
and their shills for a week.