In case you run into this problem on your own, I seem to
have gotten rid of it with a combination of:
* Lavsoft's Ad-Aware Personal SE (free) per
Bill Sanderson's suggestion
- and -
* Following Ron Kinner's suggestions per
THANKS Ron and Bill!
Get a copy of WinsockXpFix.exe first just in case you
can't get on the Internet afterwards. I don't think you
will need it but it is better to have it than not.
(Some malware does not go gracefully.)
Then boot into Safe Mode (F8 - without Networking) and
rerun HijackThis
Check the following and click on Fix Checked.
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer,SearchURL =
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start
Page =
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {467FAEB2-5F5B-4c81-BAE0-
2A4752CA7F4E} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\XHYMHI~1.DLL
Following is recommended but the above may work without
While still in Safe Mode, right click on Start and then
select Explore. Change it so you can see system and
hidden files and extensions:
Select the Tools menu and click Folder Options.
Select the View Tab.
Under the Hidden files and folders heading select Show
hidden files and folders.
Uncheck the Hide protected operating system files
(recommended) option.
Uncheck the Hide File Extensions for Known File Types
Click Yes to confirm.
Click OK
Now navigate down to the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Tell
Windows you want to see the files when it protests.
Now up on the second row of the toolbar at the top on the
right you should see a little Icon like a window with a
down arrow. When you go over it with your mouse it will
say Views. Click the Down arrow and select DETAILS. This
should cause the folder to change to show the file name,
the extension and the Modified date.
Look for the file XHYMHI~1.DLL (The ~ in the name means it
may really have a few more letters than the ones shown but
there should only be one that starts with xhymhi and ends
in dll - if there are more they are all evil) and note the
date Modified. Click on the word Modified at the top of
the column. This will sort things in date order. Find
your XMYMHI~1.dll and delete it and any other files with
the same date and time. Repeat for the folder
Reboot and run another SCAN.