Trojan/Riskware Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Starman
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I went to a website ( and it seems the website is infected with
a trojan which now has infected my computer. It has installed the following
components and I run Kaspersky and when i scan it doesn't come up with
anything, yet the results below still remain. Also one of the icons in my
toolbar (bottom right hand corner) has an icon now which keeps asking to
"your computer is now infected and windows will download special
anti-spyware tools to prefent data loss", please help and advise what I need
to do to remove this/

detected: virus Heur.Trojan.Generic (modification) URL:

detected: riskware Hidden install Running process: C:\Documents and
Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
Yes it is safe to use. Don't believe the haters the liars and the crybabies.

After all this time, do you still have people falling for this, or has
the word pretty much gotten out about you?
PCButtface said:
Yes it is safe to use. Don't believe the haters the liars and the

The Real Truth
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

People who have caught you at thieving are the folks who get added to
your signature. I'm proud to be listed, having caught you stealing the
mvps hosts file; and Andrew Aronoff's SilentRunners VB Script (from which you coyly renamed "RunningNow". Andrew's
markers still show in your purloined script.

Once again, Starman, Google up: pcbutts1 thief fraud
OK I have understood, PCButt IS a fraud..., so is anybody going to help
advise what software I need to remove this?
The said:
No they cannot help you that's why they did not. You keep believing
them and you will never get you problem fixed.

Real solutions have already been given to Starman to fix his problem.
Ask them to prove that my software is bad and you will get an answer.

Do you see any posts from anyone who used my software and said it was
bad? Use Google. You will not find any.

If you googled for: pcbutts1 thief fraud
you will find thousands of hits.

There is no point in reading your own "feedback" page, where you only
allow a few (probably self-authored) posts saying it is "good." I know
for a fact you reject any and all posts that say it is stolen, or bad,
or any other negative reply.

Oh, and you use a picture, supposedly of you, that you stole from a
British woman's personal site. Now, that's funny.
there is proof from users about my software not lies from trolls here
who has never used it.

Now, that's funny, too.
Look here to see my web stats
more people use my software then there are trolls who are trying to
get you to not use it.

Proves nothing other than you get far less hits than you brag about.
Caesar said:
Not in alt.comp.anti-virus.

This forum has deteriorated to scarcely more than a day care venue for
frustrated has been VXers and their wannabe arse licking minions.
Who cares if Chris stole the code or concocted it, as long as it works.
Nobody gets infected by malware in these NG unless they click on an infected
link posted by a newbie.
Nobody openly peddles spyware in any NG especially one with a website like
mine with full contact information. VXer's don't do it, malware writers
don't do it, and definitely no one from the USA will do it. Microsoft will
not allow it. They will not allow me to use my MVP status,

You have MVP status?? Wasn't that debunked long ago? Is this something
new then?

use their logos
on my website, link directly to their website or distribute their software
from my website if anything on my site is bad, a virus, malware, or will
damage your computer. It just does not happen. My site has been up and
operating non stop for over five years now. Those are the facts now why do
you sit there and believe the lying trolls.

I guess because their side of the story is far more believable than
The said:
My MVP status has never been revoked, you read that in some newsgroup
posted by a troll and you believed it again. You think I am lying see
it with your own eyes hXXp://

...which redirects directly to your same old shite at:

...written by you and you alone. Who would believe it?
now are you going to believe what see or what the same trolls have
been saying for years?

The proof is overwhelmingly in favor of what those people have been
saying for years. And just because you *can* purchase a domain name with
the letters "mvp" in it, is no proof whatsoever that you are one.

No sane, ethical MVP would ever act like you do.
My MVP status has never been revoked,

I believe your MVP status was never bestowed in the first place.
That's why it was never revoked.
you read that in some newsgroup posted
by a troll and you believed it again. You think I am lying see it with your
own eyes now are you going to believe what see or
what the same trolls have been saying for years?

The real MVP's don't consider you to be an MVP, and the web site above
is not authoritative. Where does that leave you?
Amini said:
I believe your MVP status was never bestowed in the first place.
That's why it was never revoked.

The real MVP's don't consider you to be an MVP, and the web site
above is not authoritative. Where does that leave you?

It leaves him being a Crybaby. He's never able to dispute the
overwhelming evidence against him.
The said:
It was the "Real" MVP's that nominated me to MS to become one in the
first place through my contributions in these groups and forums. Now
because I post under an alias,

Why? Only to conceal your thievery.
trolls cant stand the fact that they don't know who I am.

Everyone knows who you are.
Why don't you put up a simple web site and use any MS logo, you can do
that for free. Then we will see how authoritative it is and how long
it will last. You want more proof read this
it does not get more authoritative than that. You see my website
listed in that list, if I was such a fraud and my remove-it software
was junk then why am I targeted by the Conficker worm?

You are targeted because your stolen script might remove some versions
of the worm because the real author knows how to do that. No other
reason; and if you think a **worm** is authoritative, I can only laugh
much louder.
You would not know the truth if it came up and bit you in the ass.

So provide cites about your legitimacy. Like your listing on the MS MVP
From: "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <[email protected]>

| ..which redirects directly to your same old shite at:
| hXXp://

| ..written by you and you alone. Who would believe it?

| The proof is overwhelmingly in favor of what those people have been
| saying for years. And just because you *can* purchase a domain name with
| the letters "mvp" in it, is no proof whatsoever that you are one.

| No sane, ethical MVP would ever act like you do.

The proof IS overwhelming.

The liar and thief can't tell 'ya what malware the following line is from...

IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\local settings\temp\obatssrsghde.exe"
The Real Truth MVP said:
It was the "Real" MVP's that nominated me to MS to become one in the
first place through my contributions in these groups and forums. Now
because I post under an alias, trolls cant stand the fact that they
don't know who I am. Why don't you put up a simple web site and use
any MS logo, you can do that for free. Then we will see how
authoritative it is and how long it will last. You want more proof
read this
it does not get more authoritative than that. You see my website
listed in that list, if I was such a fraud and my remove-it software
was junk then why am I targeted by the Conficker worm?

Results 1 - 10 of about 853,000 for "ms-mvp". (0.78 seconds)
You would not know the truth if it came up and bit you in the ass.

There's no way to prove that statement one way or another, but it has been
proven time and again that you are not what you would like innocent newbies
to believe.

Rhonda Lea Kirk Fries

Message-ID: [email protected]
"BTW: Lionel was no "kookologist". If you knew what you were talking
about, you'd know that."

Message-ID: [email protected]
"Lionel laurer will be a real kookologist the day after the Sun
It was the "Real" MVP's that nominated me to MS to become one in the first
place through my contributions in these groups and forums.

What have you contributed here? All I've ever seen is you pushing that
script, but you don't seem to know anything about its internals. Best
case, you worked with (or paid) someone to create it for you. Worst
case, you simply 'appropriated' it outright. So far, the second option
is looking more likely.
Now because I
post under an alias, trolls cant stand the fact that they don't know who I

I don't care who you are or what alias you post under.
Why don't you put up a simple web site and use any MS logo, you can do
that for free. Then we will see how authoritative it is and how long it will

I don't know what you're getting at.
You want more proof read this
it does not get more authoritative than that. You see my website listed in
that list, if I was such a fraud and my remove-it software was junk then why
am I targeted by the Conficker worm?

Silly question.
You would not know the truth if it came up and bit you in the ass.

Perhaps, but the evidence so far (regarding the script you allegedly
stole) is not at all in your favor and you don't seem interested or
perhaps capable of turning that around.
Like I said, you would not know the truth if it came up and bit you in the

I think we're done then, and I can go back to lurking. I don't think
there's anything you could say at this point to help yourself.