Trojan in my win.32 driver folder



This trojan is called

This is where the virus is loacated

This is the file name That is located on my C drive.

My anti virus does not find this when it dose a scan. It only finds it in
real time when I click on Internet explorer to go on line. My anti virus
pops up a window giving me all the information and says it has deleted it.
It freezes up my IE and I have one heck of a time accessing my browser. When
I go into windows explorer to delete the file it's not there but each time I
go to access my IE it is back again.

Someone please help me. I am a full time student and I have 2 on line
classes that I can't access right now.

Thank you so much,


See if something here helps..

| This trojan is called
| Win32.Benuti.K!downloader
| This is where the virus is loacated
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\
| This is the file name That is located on my C drive.
| bqjguhld.sys
| My anti virus does not find this when it dose a scan. It only finds it in
| real time when I click on Internet explorer to go on line. My anti virus
| pops up a window giving me all the information and says it has deleted it.
| It freezes up my IE and I have one heck of a time accessing my browser.
| I go into windows explorer to delete the file it's not there but each time
| go to access my IE it is back again.
| Someone please help me. I am a full time student and I have 2 on line
| classes that I can't access right now.
| Thank you so much,
| Crystal

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