I'm glad you did ;-)
| On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:53:37 -0500, "Tom Willett"
| >Thanks, Ken. My error.
| Not a problem, Tom. I just wanted to set the record straight.
| >| >| On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:59:42 -0500, "Tom Willett"
| >|
| >| >The AV vendors recommend turning off system restore during the
| >virus/malware
| >| >removal process in order to keep from having a new restore point
| >| >that still contains the virus. After the infection is removed, you
| >| >system restore back on.
| >| >
| >| >You won't lose any restore points. You're turning off the program,
| >| >deleting restore points.
| >|
| >|
| >| Not true. Turning off System Restore also deletes all existing restore
| >| points. The AV vendors may recommend doing it that way, but I
| >| disagree. It decreases your options and is a poor choice.
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >| >| >| >| You are of course assuming the restore data is infected. Bad
| >assumption.
| >| >If
| >| >| one can go back a few weeks for example that time period may not be
| >| >| infected. Very bad advice turning off system restore.
| >| >| | >| >| > Because if the sys is infected, then cleaned, if you subsequently
| >| >sys
| >| >| > restore you will be reinfected
| >| >| >
| >| >| > | >| >| >> Why on earth would you want to turn off system restore? You will
| >lose
| >| >all
| >| >| >> restore points. Maybe you'll need one a week or so back in time.
| >| >| >> | >| >| >> > Most such things are installed, inadvertantly, by the user. It
| >doesnt
| >| >| > mean
| >| >| >> > anything has got past your Firewall.
| >| >| >> > Turn off system restore untill you know you are clean
| >| >| >> >
| >| >| >> > | >| >| >> >> This may be the wrong news group for this question. If it is,
| >kindly
| >| >| > tell
| >| >| >> > me
| >| >| >> >> the correct one.
| >| >| >> >> I am using OE 6 and IE 7 w/ windows XP SP2.
| >| >| >> >> AVG anti-Virus Free Edition performed its regularly scheduled
| >scan
| >| >of
| >| >| > my
| >| >| >> >> computer.
| >| >| >> >> It found a Trojan Horse named JS/Uniz.B
| >| >| >> >> It also provided a file name and path.
| >| >| >> >> Upon completion of the scan, it deleted the Trojan.
| >| >| >> >> I have confirmed that the Trojan no longer resides on my
| >computer.
| >| >At
| >| >| >> > least
| >| >| >> >> I cannot find it.
| >| >| >> >> Is there anything that I should do, other than change my
| >firewall?
| >| >| >> >>
| >| >| >> >> Lou
| >| >| >> >>
| >| >| >> >>
| >| >| >> >
| >| >| >> >
| >| >| >>
| >| >| >>
| >| >| >
| >| >| >
| >| >|
| >| >|
| >| >
| >|
| >| --
| >| Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP Windows - Shell/User
| >| Please Reply to the Newsgroup
| >
| --
| Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP Windows - Shell/User
| Please Reply to the Newsgroup