here it is , if you having problem ,add me to hotmail messenger
(e-mail address removed)
You must be adminstrator account to do these , xp and vista
start -> all program -> accesorries -> click command prompt
1) cd local
complete location
C:\Documents annd settings\kelly\local\settings\temoorary internet
it will appear as c:/>
type this cd/users\Kelly
it will appear as
c;|users\kelly> cd local\setting\temporary internet files
it will appear as
c:\users\kelly/local\setting\tempory internet files>
c:\users\kelly/local\setting\tempory internet files>del
will ask you are sure type Y
type cls to clear the screen in vista , clear in xp
complete location
ocuments and settings\kelly\installer.exe
let do it again
C:\> cd documents and setting\kelly
it will appear as
c:/documents and setting\kelly>
c:/documents and setting\kelly> del installer.exe
are you sure to delete type Y