From: "cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)" <
[email protected]>
| I've downloaded it and read the HTML, but haven't used it yet - I'm
| interested in seeing if it can be adapted to more formal use.
| As it is, AFAIK it starts by downloading stuff (updates etc.) from
| within normal (infected) Windows, then is to be used from Safe Mode,
| etc. As Safe Mode doesn't suppress all explicit integrations and will
| be likely to run intrafile code infectors, I'd really prefer to work
| "from orbit", e.g. from Bart CDR boot.
| At the least, I'd like to get updates etc. and prepare the scanners
| from a clean PC, and then run them from Safe Mode on the infected PC,
| preferably from read-only storage such as locked USB stick or CDRW.
| Also, remember to re-apply any HOSTS-mediated static protection, such
| as Spyware Blaster or certain off-the-peg antimalware HOSTS files, as
| Dave's procedure appears to leave the existing HOSTS deactivated.
| I'm working on a scanning wizard for Bart PE CDR boot that will run a
| sequence of 5 av scanners with a minimum of stop/go interaction, so I
| was interested in how Dave's worked.
|| The most accurate diagnostic instrument
| in medicine is the Retrospectoscope
Any time you'd like to discuss my tool(s), you have my email address.
While you mention booting from a Bart PE, the included PDF file does provide instructions
for creating a DOS Boot Disk or DOS Boot Disk with NTFS4DOS for outside the OS scanning.