Trivial resources problem (beginner)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larry Smith
  • Start date Start date

Larry Smith

I'm just doing some experimentation to learn the ins and outs of resources
in .NET and am having a minor problem (OS=Win2000). I've prepared both an
"en-US" subdirectory and an "en-CA" subdirectory (Canada) under my app's
main directory. Anyone know how to change the locale via the control panel
in order to pick up "en-CA". I just want to see this in action only. The
default culture is "en-US" so I have no problem retrieving a string from the
"en-US" subdirectory. However, after changing everything imaginable to
Canada in the control panel (under "Regional Options"), I can't make it pick
up the Canadian version of the string. The string still originates from
"en-US". Any ideas? Thanks.
You can programatically force a thread to use a particular culture. In
addition, I'd still like to stress the difference between the CurrentCulture
and CurrentUICulture - make sure you use the right one.

Here's an article that might help (mind the line wraps):

Thanks for the feedback. I am aware of the "CultureInfo" class and changing
things on the fly does pick up my Canadian string. I don't understand why it
doesn't work via the control panel however. I've made the appropriate change
(as best as I can tell) but it still picks up the U.S. string. Maybe it's
just the U.S. asserting its (usual) dominance over Canada :) Good thing it's
not a French or German string! Any ideas?
Larry Smith said:

Thanks for the feedback. I am aware of the "CultureInfo" class and changing
things on the fly does pick up my Canadian string. I don't understand why it
doesn't work via the control panel however. I've made the appropriate change
(as best as I can tell) but it still picks up the U.S. string. Maybe it's
just the U.S. asserting its (usual) dominance over Canada :) Good thing it's
not a French or German string! Any ideas?
Possibly the control panel needs to reload the culture changes which
could mean a reboot. I have always wanted to know why an installing
program or changes to a desktop almost always require a reboot. If I
am out of line on my thinking I am sure someone will point out the
error of my ways.