Trip's Interesting Video Thread

Jan 4, 2003
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I thought this was a good idea. The last one I posted was great so I decided to show another for all those interested.
Feel free to add links to anymore :)

This is about the "The Pride of Bruges"

32,000 tonnes of steel. 7 decks, each the length of a football pitch. 4 engines, burning 2500 litres of fuel an hour. One massive feat of engineering. The North Sea Ferry. For 25 years this metal monster has been on the ocean, but now, it's been taken out for the biggest overhaul of its life

I am sceptical about the resolution it is supposed to be 1080p???? Certainly not!
The audio is a little sketchy too, nether less it's a great clip and lasts just under an hour

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Saw this the other day and thought it was astonishing! I use Ocado every week and I had no idea they had this kind of technology :eek:

This guy makes a Japanese Sushi knife from scratch

Speeded up. The end product is very sharp but the blade looks a little unequal to me?
Saying that better than what I could do ;)
