-----Original Message-----
How would I code if I only wanted John to show up.
Say the table fields could be:
John, Doe
John Doe
How would I code this? I just want the first string and
nothing else
Thanks, Kim
The Trim() function (if that is what you are referring to) removes
extra spaces before and after the string, not text within a string.
You have a problem with the layout of your names which is going to
cause a problem. They are not all in the same format.
You could write a user defined function.
Place it in a module.
Public Function ParseName(FieldIn As String) As String
Dim strName As String
Dim intX As Integer
If InStr(FieldIn, " ") = 0 Then
ParseName = FieldIn
Exit Function
End If
intX = InStr(FieldIn, ",")
If intX > 0 Then
strName = Left([FieldIn], InStr([FieldIn], ",") - 1)
intX = InStr(FieldIn, " ")
If intX > 0 Then
strName = Left([FieldIn], InStr([FieldIn], " ") - 1)
End If
End If
ParseName = strName
End Function
Call it from a query.

Set the criteria for the [FullName] field to:
Is Not Null
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