Trim varying decimals from column of numbers

  • Thread starter Thread starter AuthorizedUserPF
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Good Morning
I am using Excel 2003 and have a column of approximately 250 numbers. Each
has different number of decimals. Although the Format displays all as whole
numbers, the decimals are be calculated and throowing my cost analysis off
when Multplying this column (Quantity) x a Price. How can I trim all values
to whole numbers, regardless of their vary number of decimal places.

Thanks in Advance
the decimals are be calculated

If these numbers are the results of formulas then try something like this:

The problem with this is that the decimals vary. Somne show 3 decimals, while
others shor 4 ot 5 decimals.
There is no formulae. The numbers aparently came over from another
spreadsheet as values withb the decimals alreaddy there.
Ok, let's assume your numbers are in the range A2:A100. Enter this formula
in B2 and copy down as needed:

Thanks that works. Can we add anything to it that would round up at >= .5
and down at <= .4
Use the round function...


Where n is the number of decimal places to round to.

A1 = 49.537

=ROUND(A1,2) = 49.54
=ROUND(A1,1) = 49.5
=ROUND(A1,0) = 50