I wish to combine two cells by using cell A1 and trimming or abbreviating cell B1.
What function and/or macro can I use to recognize whether the cell B1 contains one or mutliple words, in which case it would trim to 3 first letters or abbreviate to first letter of each word only, respectively. So far I have managed to do:
=A1 &concatenate(arrayFormula(if(not(isError(regexextract(split(B1," "),"\w+"))),left(split(B1," "),3)," " & split(B1," "))))
But thid will take the first three letters of each word...
Please help
I wish to combine two cells by using cell A1 and trimming or abbreviating cell B1.
What function and/or macro can I use to recognize whether the cell B1 contains one or mutliple words, in which case it would trim to 3 first letters or abbreviate to first letter of each word only, respectively. So far I have managed to do:
=A1 &concatenate(arrayFormula(if(not(isError(regexextract(split(B1," "),"\w+"))),left(split(B1," "),3)," " & split(B1," "))))
But thid will take the first three letters of each word...
Please help