One of our MVPs created a macro a while back that allows you to provide the
name of an object instead of the "seemingly random" one that PowerPoint
assigns to it. You would need to insert this macro into a module in each
presentation that you desire to name your objects. It takes a little work,
but once you get the hang of it, it might make life simpler since you can
name the objects the way you want to (making selecting for triggers easier).
Here is the macro:
Sub NameShape()
Dim Name$
On Error GoTo AbortNameShape
If ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Shapes Selected"
Exit Sub
End If
Name$ = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name
Name$ = InputBox$("Give this shape a name", "Shape Name", Name$)
If Name$ <> "" Then
ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name = Name$
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Copy the whole macro from "Sub" to "End Sub", open PowerPoint, open your
presentation, press ALT-F11 to enter the Visual Basic Editor (VBE), Click
"Insert", "Module", double-click on the module, in the right hand side press
CTRL-V to paste your code. Close out the VBE window. Make sure your macro
security is set to MEDIUM (Tools, Options, Security, Macro Security).
Select an object, click "Tools", "Macro", "Macros", your macro should be
highlighted (NameShape), click "Run". A dialog box will appear with the
name assigned by PowerPoint, type your own name and press ENTER to accept
the new name. Check out the trigger list to see if the new names are
showing up. I haven't actually used it for triggers but instead for
controlling the Visible property of an object on a slide using code, but it
should work.
Good Luck! If nothing else, you learned some visual basic code for
PowerPoint! <VBG>
Bill Foley