Due to a huge increase in junk mail in the past few weeks I have configured a
third-party product as a spam filter. It works well, but to get it to play
happily with Outlook it seems necessary to create a rule for every mailbox so
that a particular header is checked, then the spam that would have escaped
the default junk mail filtering is moved to the Junk E-mail folder.
Assuming I can add headers and prefix the subject line, is there a way I can
make Outlook 2003 SP2 recognise mail as spam and have it trigger the normal
junk mail filter? I imagine that for testing purposes there is such a feature
built in.
third-party product as a spam filter. It works well, but to get it to play
happily with Outlook it seems necessary to create a rule for every mailbox so
that a particular header is checked, then the spam that would have escaped
the default junk mail filtering is moved to the Junk E-mail folder.
Assuming I can add headers and prefix the subject line, is there a way I can
make Outlook 2003 SP2 recognise mail as spam and have it trigger the normal
junk mail filter? I imagine that for testing purposes there is such a feature
built in.