I recently adopted the SQLSiteMapProvider that Jeff Prosise wrote
about at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163787.aspx#S1.
made 1 change though. Instead of the SQLCommand that he has in the
article I changed it to a parameterized Stored Procedure that's based
on a user selection from a DropDownList. It works fine for the first
selection, from nothing to something, but it doesn't refresh the
TreeView if a user changes the DropDownList.
What do I need to do to clear out and refresh the TreeView/
SQLSiteMapProvider when the parameter changes?
about at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163787.aspx#S1.
made 1 change though. Instead of the SQLCommand that he has in the
article I changed it to a parameterized Stored Procedure that's based
on a user selection from a DropDownList. It works fine for the first
selection, from nothing to something, but it doesn't refresh the
TreeView if a user changes the DropDownList.
What do I need to do to clear out and refresh the TreeView/
SQLSiteMapProvider when the parameter changes?