I have a treeview control that contains a bunch of pdf filenames. It
would like the files to open in a new window. Can anyone assist me in
doing that? The code I currently have is below:
Protected Sub tvDocs_SelectedNodeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal
e As System.EventArgs) Handles tvDocs.SelectedNodeChanged
Dim FilNam As String
FilNam = Mid(tvDocs.SelectedNode.Parent.ValuePath,
InStr(tvDocs.SelectedNode.Parent.ValuePath, "Docs\") + Len("Docs\")) &
"\" & tvDocs.SelectedValue
If InStr(UCase(tvDocs.SelectedValue), ".PDF") > 0 Then
Response.Redirect("~\1-New-Portal-Tree\" & FilNam)
End Sub
- Mel
(Visual Studio 2005, Asp.net 2.0, Visual Basic)
would like the files to open in a new window. Can anyone assist me in
doing that? The code I currently have is below:
Protected Sub tvDocs_SelectedNodeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal
e As System.EventArgs) Handles tvDocs.SelectedNodeChanged
Dim FilNam As String
FilNam = Mid(tvDocs.SelectedNode.Parent.ValuePath,
InStr(tvDocs.SelectedNode.Parent.ValuePath, "Docs\") + Len("Docs\")) &
"\" & tvDocs.SelectedValue
If InStr(UCase(tvDocs.SelectedValue), ".PDF") > 0 Then
Response.Redirect("~\1-New-Portal-Tree\" & FilNam)
End Sub
- Mel
(Visual Studio 2005, Asp.net 2.0, Visual Basic)