Hi all,
I'm just learning vb2008 and i have a problem, I'm populating a
treeview with a hard drive
directory structure. This is my code:
I've populated the treeview with the available drives and the first
level of directories for each drive.
Then I'm using this code to get the selected node when the user
expands the node
Private Sub TreeView1_BeforeExpand(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventArgs) Handles
Me.TreeView1.SelectedNode = e.Node
End Sub
Then i'm passing the selected node to this subroutine:
Public Sub getsubDirectories(ByVal baseNode)
Dim subDirectories() As String
Dim myNodeCollection As TreeNodeCollection =
Dim basePath As String = Replace(baseNode.ToString, "TreeNode:
", "")
For Each subNode In myNodeCollection
Dim subdirectoryPath As String = Replace(subNode.ToString,
"TreeNode: ", "")
Dim thisPath As String = basePath & subdirectoryPath
subDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(thisPath)
For Each thisDirectory In subDirectories
'add node to treeview
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
If the user expands the C drive the value for the selected node
contains "TreeNode: "
eg. TreeNode:C\:
and i need to strip the unwanted text to provide a valid path for
How can i get the value without stripping the unwanted text ?
I'm just learning vb2008 and i have a problem, I'm populating a
treeview with a hard drive
directory structure. This is my code:
I've populated the treeview with the available drives and the first
level of directories for each drive.
Then I'm using this code to get the selected node when the user
expands the node
Private Sub TreeView1_BeforeExpand(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventArgs) Handles
Me.TreeView1.SelectedNode = e.Node
End Sub
Then i'm passing the selected node to this subroutine:
Public Sub getsubDirectories(ByVal baseNode)
Dim subDirectories() As String
Dim myNodeCollection As TreeNodeCollection =
Dim basePath As String = Replace(baseNode.ToString, "TreeNode:
", "")
For Each subNode In myNodeCollection
Dim subdirectoryPath As String = Replace(subNode.ToString,
"TreeNode: ", "")
Dim thisPath As String = basePath & subdirectoryPath
subDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(thisPath)
For Each thisDirectory In subDirectories
'add node to treeview
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
If the user expands the C drive the value for the selected node
contains "TreeNode: "
eg. TreeNode:C\:
and i need to strip the unwanted text to provide a valid path for
How can i get the value without stripping the unwanted text ?