Tomas Deman
My treeview is flickering whenever I change the text property of a node.
I was searching the newsgroups on how to resolve this problem, and found the
following solution:
Inherited from a treeview and added the following code to its constructor:
| ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint
| ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer
| ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true );
However, when I try this nothing at all is drawn! What am i missing?
I am using C#.NET with VS2003
Thanks for helping me out!
My treeview is flickering whenever I change the text property of a node.
I was searching the newsgroups on how to resolve this problem, and found the
following solution:
Inherited from a treeview and added the following code to its constructor:
| ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint
| ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer
| ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true );
However, when I try this nothing at all is drawn! What am i missing?
I am using C#.NET with VS2003
Thanks for helping me out!