Treeview control

  • Thread starter Thread starter Schoo
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Is there a treeview type control for an ASP.NET application? I can't find
one in the toolbox and can't find any articles on the subject.

If there is no treeview for ASP.NET, is it possible to develop a VB.NET
Windows app and get it to run as a web page?

See: The project document calls for a treeview control on an ASP page.
Either of the above solutions would meet the project requirment.


Hello Scott,

Thanks for your post. As I understand, you are looking for a Treeview
control for ASP .NET. Please correct me if there is any misunderstanding.

The Treeview control is not a part of regular ASP.NET, and are Inherited
from Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls. You need to download an Internet
Explorer WebControls package which contains Treeview control. Please refer
to the following MSDN article for detailed information:

Internet Explorer WebControls

About the TreeView WebControl

Hope this helps.


Microsoft Online Partner Support

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You needed to add that the the treeview control is not supported by
microsoft. But there is plenty of help for it on microsoft.*.webcontrols
That looks like what I need. I followed your first link and downloaded the
installation file, but when I get to step #3 in the readme.txt file I can't
find the file 'microsoft.web.ui.webcontrols.dll' that it wants me to put in
the '/bin' directory. I searched my entire hard drive. Where is this file?

You take the source code and you build a dll out of it. there is a bat file
which is used for this process. fire it up and point it at the source, it
will spit out the dll in the bin
Running build.bat doesn't seem to do anything. I do get the error message:
'csc.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file...

Looking at the code of the bat file it seems to want to write to the build
directory (I think) but I see where it is looking for the csc.exe file and I
don't see that anyware. I believe I followed the instructions in the readme
file up to this point. What am I doing wrong?

Hello Scott,

Thanks for your reply. Since you received an error indicating the failure
of locating csc.exe, I believe that you did not execute the .bat file with
VS .NET build environment set. Please click "Start" -> "Programs" ->
"Microsoft Visual Studio .NET" -> "Visual Studio .NET Tools" -> "Visual
Studio .NET Command Prompt", and then run build.bat file in Visual Studio
.NET Command Prompt.

Hope this helps.


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