Zack Macracken
Anyone got any databases thats not on the treepad site, or useful utilities.
MightyKitten wrote in said:For those who still wonder: yes, I do have a kind of database fetjism..)
[useful info omitted for brevity]MightyKitten wrote in said:Nope, no freeware version in my analoge database (mind)
Here is a nice tree database:
http://www.worldagroforestrycentre.org/Sites/TreeDBS/databases.htm ;-)
Bjorn said:wrong answers!
cHris said:I suggest you guys go back to the original question and read it again
and again, until you understood it.
Origional post:
Anyone got any databases thats not on the treepad site, or useful
If I take this literally, ALmost all aviable databases are not on htat
site. The same for database utilities.
If he's looking for an other type of database, i provide him with a
link to a previous thread, where 20+ or so databases are reviewed,
most with links and description.
I had also anticipated he's looking for a database or program with a
treelike structure, and therefore provided hem with a link to
TreeDBNotes, as it seems quite simular.
I indeed had not onderstood he's searching for a database or utility
with the same structure, oreven other questions you might distilate
out of the given information. I leave alone if this is the result of
my lack of knowledge of the English language, or the lack of
information given on the OP's side. Anyway: I tried to give an good
answer on the question as I have onderstood it.
If this upsets you so much, it might be time for you to seek means
(other than this newsgroup) to communicate on freeware issues.
It's all in how you read it. My first impression was that the poster was
looking for treepad databases that someone else has gone to the trouble
of organising so that they can transform treepad into multiuses without
the set-up time?!
For those who still wonder: yes, I do have a kind of database fetjism..)
Quite so, MK, but as I'm interested in that sort of thing I thought you hadWell, It was just the first result I got back after my first (but
falsly inputed) google query. I did not even remotly consider the site
being useful at al (As in I see a tree on the first page, a small scan
over the page tells me it is about trees and it has something to do
with database. Quick laugh --> copy past link --> requery google with
better words)
Ah... An other seeker!Join the club...
I don't have a straight answare (yet) for a nice util, other as winDBF
(comes closest to something I think is acceptable, but alas, its in German
If you realy want, I can soft out the dos apps I've downloades since your
post (it will take a while though....)
This you might find interisting though:
CDBF Shell
The CDBF Shell extension allows you to view content or structure of DBF
files in the Properties window without opening them. The CDBF Shell
extension supports dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, and Visual FoxPro formats.