tree view in access



Hi Gurus

Most of you will be aware of the use of a tree view type menu/control that
is used in windows explorer, the windows start button, register editor,
etc.... etc.... It allows you to display hundreds of items that are
accessible for the user with a couple of little clicks.

I know that there are some active X objects and the like that you can use to
get an "tree object" as described above, however, none of them is really
access based. I was wondering if anyone out there has made one in access. I
am seriously considering making my own, if no-one has made one so far.

I would like to have a completely generic one. I envisage that for
populating it, all you need to do is call a VB script with the name of the
recordsets (be it queries , tables or SQL). I imagine it to have unlimited
number of levels and I imagine it to provide as "output" an ID number when a
user clicks on an item.

I also imagine it would be useful to have a lookup list / table next to it
that shows the members of the item you have selected and the ability to sort
these items, change the width of the columns, etc.... just like windows
explorer really!

Has anyone looked into making something like that (I had a look at Google
groups, but mainly found access extensions rather than access based items.)

Look forward to any ideas


- Nicolaas

Douglas J. Steele

I use the Treeview that's part of Microsoft Common Controls fairly often.
While it's true that you can't bind it, it's not that difficult to write the
VBA code to load from a recordset.


I want exactly the same thing, it's used to great effect in windows media
player. While it's easy to write code for it, it's very difficult to write
generic code so you can pass any old recordset. A dedicated function is
pretty easy to do. As soon as i've managed to get it right, which is proving
tough, i'll post on here. The problem is arranging the data under nodes, a
list of headings also needs to be passed etc and the sorting is within each


Dave_S_UK said:
I want exactly the same thing, it's used to great effect in windows media
player. While it's easy to write code for it, it's very difficult to write
generic code so you can pass any old recordset. A dedicated function is
pretty easy to do. As soon as i've managed to get it right, which is
tough, i'll post on here. The problem is arranging the data under nodes, a
list of headings also needs to be passed etc and the sorting is within

Dave_S_UK and WindAndWaves, Microsoft wrote and published the code you're
both are looking for at:;en-us;167309


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