Adam Hearn
I've got a base image for an item and some common adornments. The adornments
reflect the state of the item being shown in the list. Stuff like padlock
for locked, cogs for in-use and the like. I've got the code that dynamically
generates an appropriate image based on the state.
The problem is how do I make the Tree/ListView item use it? These seem only
to have ImageIndex properties? I've already got 4 images lists offering
small and large sizes for 256 colour and XP images - seems rather onerous!
Any advice gratefully received!
reflect the state of the item being shown in the list. Stuff like padlock
for locked, cogs for in-use and the like. I've got the code that dynamically
generates an appropriate image based on the state.
The problem is how do I make the Tree/ListView item use it? These seem only
to have ImageIndex properties? I've already got 4 images lists offering
small and large sizes for 256 colour and XP images - seems rather onerous!
Any advice gratefully received!