Tree is not initialized yet.

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On trying to open a page in IE 6 I get the above message. The company who's
page it is say that I appear to be alone in getting the problem and advise me
that my version of IE 6 is probably corrupted. They therefore suggest that I
either reinstall IE 6 or change to Firefox. I have tried Firefox and it
works fine but I have got used to IE.

I don't seem able to send Microsoft an e-mail advising them of the problem
hence this message. Any suggestions on how to fix the problem or simply and
safely reinstall IE6 would be welcome.

The message appears to relate to the page attempting to display an
expandable tree in a box on the left hand side of the screen. I can find
nothing in the Knowledge Base that covers this though I do find a reference
to a known problem with left had frames. The patch for that however comes
with a serious health warning and so I am not going to try it.

Grateful for any suggestions.
There's an important detail you forgot to include: What is the URL of the
page that's giving you trouble?
Thanks Ted.

I did not include the URL as it is in a password protected part ot the site.
However miraculously the problem now appears to be solved so maybe the
people who produced the site found the problem after all.

Sorry to have wasted your time.