Trap email send event

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark B
  • Start date Start date

Mark B

VSTO C#, OL2007

I want to remove the phrase "My Special Sentence" from every email after it
gets sent and appears in the Sent Items folder.

I started, finding the following code on the internet but being new to C#
and VSTO I have had some difficulties with syntax errors with it.

using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
defaultFolder =
defaultFolder.Items.ItemAdd += new

Can anyone help me with some code to remove the phrase "My Special Sentence"
from every email after it gets sent and appears in the Sent Items folder.

The way that code is written you would get that event handler garbage
collected and fail to fire at some point. Declare and instantiate an Items
collection at module or class level and hook your ItemAdd() handler to that
so your handler doesn't get garbage collected.

In ItemAdd() you are passed an Item object. Cast that to a MailItem object
and then use string replace function to get rid of the unwanted text.
Something like this would do it, add exception handling of course:

Outlook.Mailitem mail = (Outlook.MailItem)Item;
string newBody = mail.Body.Replace("My Special Sentence", "");
mail.Body = newBody;

If you are getting syntax errors be specific on what and where, if you want
help with them.
From ThisAddIn_Startup I call mAddSentItemsHandler:

public void mAddSentItemsHandler()

Outlook.MAPIFolder sentItemsFolder =
sentItemsFolder.Items.ItemAdd += new

public void Application_SentItemsAdditionHandler()

I get the following error with a red underline under
Application_SentItemsAdditionHandler in the mAddSentItemsHandler method:

Error 7 No overload for 'Application_SentItemsAdditionHandler' matches
delegate 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ItemsEvents_ItemAddEventHandler'
C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\MyAddin\ThisAddIn.cs 325 46 MyAddin
If you are going to add event handlers you need to match their signatures
with the signature of the event you are planning to handle.

If you were to look in the Object Browser for the signature for the
ItemAdd() event you would see that there's an object passed to the handler
to tell it what was added.
Getting there I hope... :

This seems to compile fine:

public void mFolderAdditionsHandler()
//Add Sent Items Folder Watch
Outlook.MAPIFolder sentItemsFolder =
sentItemsFolder.Items.ItemAdd += new

//Add Deleted Items Folder Watch
Outlook.MAPIFolder deletedItemsFolder =
sentItemsFolder.Items.ItemAdd += new

As does this:

public void Items_ItemAdd(object Item)
MessageBox.Show("Sent or Deleted");

However when I send or delete in Outlook, no message box pops up. I've
walked through mFolderAdditionsHandler at runtime with no errors.
Typo, mFolderAdditionsHandler should read with
deletedItemsFolder.Items.ItemAdd as below:

public void mFolderAdditionsHandler()

//Add Sent Items Folder Watch
Outlook.MAPIFolder sentItemsFolder =
sentItemsFolder.Items.ItemAdd += new

//Add Deleted Items Folder Watch
Outlook.MAPIFolder deletedItemsFolder =
deletedItemsFolder.Items.ItemAdd += new
I've said this previously, and I'll repeat it again one last time.

You need to declare an Items collection at class level for your event

One Items object for each folder. Your non-declared Items collection is
going out of scope and being garbage collected once your event adder
procedure ends.

Also, using compound dot operators with COM objects leads to implicit
objects being created that you have no control over.

You need something like this:

// class level
Outlook.Items sentItems = null;
Outlook.Items deletedItems = null;

public void mFolderAdditionsHandler()
Outlook.MAPIFolder folder = // get a folder
sentItems = folder.Items
// now assign handler to the collection, repeat for other Items