Transpose Formula onto New Sheet

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Okay here is my problem..

In Sheet 1, I have numbers which are summed in Row 10. So in Row A10, C10, E10, G10, I10, K10, M10 there is a Sum Formula
Column A C E G I K
Row 10: 12 90 56 45 65 77 8

I want to Copy and Transpose this information from Sheet 1 into Sheet 2 but into Column I10, I11, I12, I13, I14, I15, I16
But I need for the formula to copy too b/c if there is a change to Sheet 1 - Sheet 2 needs to update automatically

I hope that makes sense. Any help would be appreciated
enter the following in I10
and copy down

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

Kim said:
Okay here is my problem...

In Sheet 1, I have numbers which are summed in Row 10. So in Row
A10, C10, E10, G10, I10, K10, M10 there is a Sum Formula.
Column A C E G I K M
Row 10: 12 90 56 45 65 77 82

I want to Copy and Transpose this information from Sheet 1 into Sheet
2 but into Column I10, I11, I12, I13, I14, I15, I16.
But I need for the formula to copy too b/c if there is a change to
Sheet 1 - Sheet 2 needs to update automatically.