Transporting avi files with ppt 2002



Is there a way to add/insert avi files (image only, no
sound)in ppt 2002 presentation and have the avi
automatically link without taking the individual avi files
when transporting? The presentation is burned to CD and
the speaker wishes to have the moving image incorporated
into the show. Is "Pack & Go" the only option? Is it
possible to be able to play it, from another computer,
using the CD and have the avi play? Someone said
embedding but I downloaded the add-in exe and saved the
avi as an object but that didn't work. Basically the
speaker wants to be able to just open up the presentation,
put it in slideshow mode and have the avi file play
without trying to figure out what other files might need
to be opened, saved to the HD etc.
Thanks in advance.


Videos (AVI) are always linked and need to travel with the presentation.
They can be transported to a CD or another system and will work *IF* they
have been linked correctly. When you add the videos to the presentation,
the files MUST be in the same folder as the presentation. So, if that
wasn't done, you should gather all the files together now in a single
folder. Open the presentation in PowerPoint, delete the videos, then add
them back in, pointing to their new location in the presentation folder.
Now you can move the contents of the folder and the links won't break.


Thanks much Sonia appreciate your time/input. I have in
the past sent along the files it's just that the speaker
wants to be able to just have 1 file to download onto the
other PC/HD. I already do put all related images etc into
the same file folder so guess I'll just tell him to
download the whole folder that way it should all work
One more avi question........ what action do I need to
take to make 2 avi images on 1 slide both move at the same
time? Could swear that I've done this in the past but
maybe not. I've tried several combinations in the custom
animation area but with no luck. Do you have to hyperlink
the files somehow?
Thanks again.


No, in PowerPoint 2002 or 2003 insert them both and set the second one to
animate "with previous". If you have plenty of resources on your system
they will start almost together.

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