Transpartent captions for icons



I had transparent captions on my icons on the desktop, but now there is "beautiful " blue rectangle. I have set to on all options in visualise effects, and still nothing, on other accounts everythink works fine. Probably some program deleted this key in registry :( Can you tell me which key is needed and how should be set ? TIA

PS> Chaning options really doesn't work.


On Sun, 16 May 2004 08:36:05 -0700, Steven
| I had transparent captions on my icons on the desktop, but
| now there is "beautiful " blue rectangle.

Enabling "Drop Shadows" on the icon text will make the text
backgrounds mostly transparent. Right-click My Computer, choose
Properties, go to the Advanced tab, choose the Performance settings,
go to the Visual Effects tab, enable the "Use drop shadows for icon
labels on the Desktop" option.

You can also loose the transparency if Word Wrap option for the icon
text is set somewhere, or when displaying web content on the desktop.

(don't live at a com or net - address listed is altered)

Alex Nichol

Steven said:
I had transparent captions on my icons on the desktop, but now there is "beautiful " blue rectangle. I have set to on all options in visualise effects, and still nothing, on other accounts everythink works fine.

Control Panel - System - Advanced - Performance click Settings - in the
Custom panel you need 'Use drop shadows under icons on desktop'


I set everything correctly but it still doesn't work. So I need to find this value in registry and modify key by myself

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