transparent background



I am working in PPt2003 and FrontPage 2003. I created some animated slides
in PPT and published them as web pages. They are linked in the FP website I
created to show in a frame (menu frame on left, display frame on right). I
want to keep the same background in the display frame for all slides to
reduce the website size and download time. How can I make the PPt web page
transparent or use the same background picture for all of the slides? Each
slide is its own htm file.

Again, my goal is to reduce the size and download time for the website.


If you've used a different background on each slide, return to PowerPoint and
open your presentation and change the background there. Removing the background
depends on how you set it to begin with. The easiest way to set a consistent
background is to go to View > Master > Slide Master and then go to Format >
Background and make your choice. Then click on Apply to All. However, if
you've put photos on each slide and they cover the background, you'll want to
remove them.

Then regenerate the HTML and upload it to the web.

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