I'm running into a fairly massive bug in 2007's "compatibility" mode. I have
a presentation that works perfectly in 2007. I'm saving it as a 97-2003 ppt.
When I open the ppt file on an older Powerpoint install (OS X), advancing a
slide draws the new slide directly on top of the old slide, but
semi-transparently so you can still see the old slide underneath. Each
subsequent slide advance just makes the display more and more cluttered.
Any ideas what might cause this or how to fix it? I've used compatibility
mode in PPT 2007 many times, but this is the first time I've encountered
a presentation that works perfectly in 2007. I'm saving it as a 97-2003 ppt.
When I open the ppt file on an older Powerpoint install (OS X), advancing a
slide draws the new slide directly on top of the old slide, but
semi-transparently so you can still see the old slide underneath. Each
subsequent slide advance just makes the display more and more cluttered.
Any ideas what might cause this or how to fix it? I've used compatibility
mode in PPT 2007 many times, but this is the first time I've encountered