Transparency issue on XP



I am having a problem where my applications when opened are transparent.
Some of them I can drag them and it will come to full light others it will
stay transparent and I cant fix it. Some of them like outlook 07 will come
up, I will move it, it will no longer be transparent but then the emails when
I try to reply or write a new one are transparent and I cant do anything
about it.

ie: I just opened excel and it is transparent.
I tried to move it and it stays transparent.
I press the office icon and the menu that appears is not transparent.
I then closed it and open an explorer window (hit my computer)
It comes up transparent and I move it. It is no longer transparent.

Any ideas???
Thanks for the help


LC said:
I am having a problem where my applications when opened are transparent.
Some of them I can drag them and it will come to full light others it will
stay transparent and I cant fix it. Some of them like outlook 07 will come
up, I will move it, it will no longer be transparent but then the emails when
I try to reply or write a new one are transparent and I cant do anything
about it.

ie: I just opened excel and it is transparent.
I tried to move it and it stays transparent.
I press the office icon and the menu that appears is not transparent.
I then closed it and open an explorer window (hit my computer)
It comes up transparent and I move it. It is no longer transparent.

Any ideas???
Thanks for the help

Line 345. Dialog Boxes are Blank - Winnt - Windows You click on the
link that is the name of your Windows folder, either WinNT or Windows.

You might also look into updating the display adapter drivers. And run
DXDiag and see if it complains of uncertified drivers; try lowering
graphics hardware acceleration, etc.. Also look at the computer
manufacturer site and the graphics card manufacturer site for different



LC said:
I am having a problem where my applications when opened are transparent.
Some of them I can drag them and it will come to full light others it will
stay transparent and I cant fix it. Some of them like outlook 07 will come
up, I will move it, it will no longer be transparent but then the emails when
I try to reply or write a new one are transparent and I cant do anything
about it.

ie: I just opened excel and it is transparent.
I tried to move it and it stays transparent.
I press the office icon and the menu that appears is not transparent.
I then closed it and open an explorer window (hit my computer)
It comes up transparent and I move it. It is no longer transparent.

Any ideas???
Thanks for the help

Transparent drop-down Menu and disappearing menu text -

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