I have some problem in translate the last row of this class this class
Public Delegate Sub UIUpdate(ByVal args() As Object
Public Class Invoke
Private _control As Contro
Private _uiUpdate As UIUpdat
Private _args() As Objec
Public Sub New(ByVal c As Control
' store the control that is to run the method on its threa
_control =
End Su
Public Sub Invoke(ByVal UIDelegate As UIUpdate,
ByVal ParamArray args() As Object
' called by the client and passed the delgate that
' points to the method to ru
' as well as the argument
_args = arg
_uiUpdate = UIDelegat
_control.Invoke(New EventHandler(AddressOf _invoke)
End Su
Private Sub _invoke(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs
' this is now running on the same thread as the contro
' so freely call the delegat
_uiUpdate.Invoke(_args) // <== THIS LINE IS MY PROBLEMS ================
End Su
End Clas
Can someone can help me please?
Public Delegate Sub UIUpdate(ByVal args() As Object
Public Class Invoke
Private _control As Contro
Private _uiUpdate As UIUpdat
Private _args() As Objec
Public Sub New(ByVal c As Control
' store the control that is to run the method on its threa
_control =
End Su
Public Sub Invoke(ByVal UIDelegate As UIUpdate,
ByVal ParamArray args() As Object
' called by the client and passed the delgate that
' points to the method to ru
' as well as the argument
_args = arg
_uiUpdate = UIDelegat
_control.Invoke(New EventHandler(AddressOf _invoke)
End Su
Private Sub _invoke(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs
' this is now running on the same thread as the contro
' so freely call the delegat
_uiUpdate.Invoke(_args) // <== THIS LINE IS MY PROBLEMS ================
End Su
End Clas
Can someone can help me please?