Transitions have disappeared!

  • Thread starter Thread starter LighthouseMom
  • Start date Start date


I am at wit's end with Movie Maker! Not only does it
crash CONSTANTLY (and yes, I have renamed, removed, and
rearranged codecs) but now as I was working on a movie
and went to insert a transition, I find they are all
GONE! Disappeared! I have a completely blank frame!
Also, the video effects are gone!

I need serious help here. Should I uninstall and
reinstall or forget about this all together?

Please help before I pull my hair out!
Hello there,

In your movie maker main directory you should have WMM2FXA.dll and
WMM2FXB.dll amongst other files that is.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Have you found an answer? The same thing happened to me. I purchased and downloaded Pixelans Spicefx packs more transitions and special effects, into movie maker, there all gone as well. I've tried redownloading movie maker and spicefx, nothing has worked.
I don't understand what you mean by that. What do I do
with those files?

And, btw, the transitions haven't returned. I'm totally
fed up.

As the first step in finding out what the issues is I am trying to
ascertain whether all the files immediately connected to Movie Maker are
actually present.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I understand. I replied to another post on page 2. All
files are present, but their sizes are larger than what
you listed.
Hello there,

OK. If your files are larger you may have a BIG problem. Big as in
infected with a virus Big. Hopefully though all you need do is obtain the
latest full version and re-install it. It might be a good idea to rename the
directory containing your current files so that after the installation you
have a new folder containing the current stuff, which if all goes well you
will be able to use. If all is not well you will have the ability to delete
the new directory and restore the name of the one you changed, putting you
back to where you are now.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly