Transitioning between a managed and home environment

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My wife had a Gateway computer at work with Windows XP professional. The
work technition had set it up to work over the office network. We upgraded
the machine with a new one, and brought the Gateway home.

There are several issues and questions that have come up.

First, when I log on the computer it brings up her "account" as a log on.
It is the administrator account. There are a number of other accounts set up
on the machine, including a new one I created. However.... when I log off
her account, it goes right back to her log on box (her name filled in) prompt
and it will not recognize any of the other accounts that exist... how do I
get the log on window that has the other accounts listed.

Second... well, maybe I should ask that as a seperate ? at a different time


I am guess you are seeing a "Press Ctrl-Alt-Del" screen and all you see is a
username and password field. There should be an options button and you will
need to change the "Log on to" option to (this computer) if the accounts are
local accounts. It is most likely setup to authenticate against a domain.