I am using Access2000 and am attempting to create a macro that will export several queries. It appears that there is a limit to the length of the FileName (& path) that can be assigned. When I put the following into the File Name and then attempt to run the macro, I get one of two error messages both of which appear to indicate a problem with the query but I can run & export the query manually without any problems. By trial-n-error I have found that if I shorten the path name, I can get the macro to run. Can anyone confirm if there is a length limit and if so, what the limit is?
C:\Documents and Settings\A012345\My Documents\Vendr\Inbound files\Access DBs & current data files\Mbr_Util_n_costs_Reg.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\A012345\My Documents\Vendr\Inbound files\Access DBs & current data files\Mbr_Util_n_costs_Reg.txt