Don't worry about not knowing too much about computer stuff. This is a
friendly site.
Here is what to do now.
1. Open the folder My Document\My Pictures
2. After you open the folder you see the name of the photo files or the
thumbnail of the photo files. Double click your mouse pointer on the name of
one photo file or the thumbnail of one photo file.
3. After you double click, the photo file will open full screen.
4. Look at the photo after it opens. Do you see a bar above the photo with
the name of the photo file and next to it "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer".
Also, do you see some little icons below the photo and when you place your
mouse pointer over an icon you get a text describing what it can do? If so,
you are in business, you don't have to do anything else.
This simply means that Adobe Photoshop Elements opens automatically when you
connect your camera to your computer and helps you transfer the photos to
your computer but then Windows Picture and Fax Viewer takes over when you
want to display your pictures on your computer.
5. If the above #4 is not what happens when you double click on a photo file
to open it, tell us what you see on the screen and we will get back to you.
When we say "right click" we simply indicate to place the mouse pointer over
a file name or thumbnail and depress the button on the right side of your
mouse. When we say click, or double click, we simply indicate to place the
mouse pointer over a file name or thumbnail or any other item and depress
the left side button of your mouse. We never say "left click", it is
understood that click is left click.
Free advice. Obviously you are new to this and I hope you have fun will
digital pictures. The number of requests about "I have lost my pictures"
continues. Do yourself a favor. Copy your photos to a CD-R after you
download them from your camera. This is very easy to do with XP itself but
if you don't want computer jargon, download a user friendly and free
interface from here:
This software will scan your hard drive and find all your pictures. After
finding them, when you open Picasa it will automatically display all the
thumbnails of all the photos on your computer. You can then use this
software to copy to CD as well as share pictures with friends.