Thank everyone for their comments!
I could only think of one reason to modify the back end once
installed, and that was to accommodate future expansion of the
application's function. (Needing new tables to store new data.)
I also have a few queries stored in the back end that address orphaned
records. There is no code, but I'm toying with the idea of using code
in the back end to "distribute" new front end releases.
Scenario: User opens "out dated" front end which compares version info
with the back end. Front end discovers it is out dated and triggers
code in back end, then closes itself. Back end code copies new front
end to users machine overwriting the out dated front end.
If possible, I would like to cause the front end to reopen, but worst
case would be user has to reopen front end file manually.
(I omitted how I plan to get the new release so the back end can find
it, or how I will update the version info in the back end table, on
purpose. It's tedious, and also meaningless if I can't pass control to
the back end to do the file overwriting.)
Peter: Thanks for the link!
David G.
David G,
If you want to make changes to tables in a back-end database file then
have a look at the Back End Update Utility code at :-
If you need to re-link the front end to the back end at the user's
site (which you probably will) then have a look at the Back End
Re-Linker code on the same site.
If the users are using a network and you need to replace a number of
front-end files on several computers then have a look at the Front End
Updater Utility which provides a VB program to do that automatically.
Peter Hibbs.
David G.