Transferring Control From One Database To Another Using Access 2007 Runtime

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stewart Berman
  • Start date Start date

Stewart Berman

Access 2007 RunTime

The application consists of two database. The first one is launch using RunTime. When the user
clicks on the close button I would like to transfer control to the second database.

I tried:
Application.OpenCurrentDatabase <Full path/name of second database>, True, <Password of
Second database>

However that throws a you already have the database open error. To make sure something in the first
database did not actually have the second one open I built a database that consisted of a single
form with the above in its load event and got the same error. The error occurs using the full
version of Access 2007 so it is not a RunTime issue. The second database is local on my development
machine and not in use by anything when the error is thrown.

Is there anyway to transfer control from one database to another without instantiating another
instance of Access?

Is there anyway to stack application level commands to accomplish the above? For example:
OpenCurrenDatabase <Full path/name of second database>, True, <Password of
Second database>
Stewart Berman said:
Access 2007 RunTime

The application consists of two database. The first one is launch using
RunTime. When the user
clicks on the close button I would like to transfer control to the second

I tried:
Application.OpenCurrentDatabase <Full path/name of second database>, True,
<Password of
Second database>

You have to first close the database BEFORE you are able to use the
OpenCurrentDatabase command.

In effect, that command is ONLY for when you create an NEW instance of
ms-access. That means you can really ONLY use that command for an "new"
instance, or what we call automaton.

However, the problem is that in the runtime it not possible to create
another instance of ms-access with code. Actually, the instance does get
created, but then it shuts down right away. With the full version of
ms-access you can launch ms-access and have the full menus and THEN the user
can select/open a database file.

In the runtime, if you launch a copy of ms-access, it then right away shuts
down if you did not provide a filename at the command line. This is by
design because there is no "user interface" that would allow you to open a
file. So it makes no sense to launch the runtime without a file name
provided (and you can't provide that file name when you automate).

So, the runtime by design does NOT allow you to launch a copy and have it
sit there and do nothing.
Is there anyway to transfer control from one database to another without
instantiating another
instance of Access?

With the runtime. ?

What you must do is shell out to another copy and quit the current version.
Is there anyway to stack application level commands to accomplish the
above? For example:

The above CloseCurrentDatabase does work for an instance of ms-access and is
in fact required. And, I suppose it likely will work for the CURRENT
instance. However you can't execute a close on the current running database
and expect the current code to continue to run in the CURRENT instance when
it been closed can you!

So, again, that close command ONLY makes sense for an automated instance of
ms-access. And, as mentioned, if you launch a copy of the runtime without
file name supplied, it instantly shuts down.

If you are using the full edition, then automation of a launching an 2nd
copy and quitting the current copy of ms-access will work just fine. (it not
a big deal memory wise since windows re-uses the current running copy

For the runtime, you can't create instance of ms-access since when you
create that instance, it then simply shuts down since (since you can't
supply a file name when you create that instance).

The simple solution here is to shell out.

The code would look like:

Const q As String = """"
Dim strExe As String
Dim strShellProg As String
Dim strCurrentDir As String

strCurrentDir = currentProject.path & "\"
' get path to msaccess.exe
strShellProg = q & SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "msaccess.exe" & q

strExe = strShellProg

strShellProg = strShellProg & " " & q & strCurrentDir & "MyOtherDB.accDB"

If Shell(strShellProg, vbNormalFocus) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Un able to run other program", vbCritical
End If

The problem here is if that 2nd database has a password, you can't supply
the password.

So if you want to launch a different database with the runtime, you can't
have a password on it. If you using a mdb file, then you CAN USE workgroup
security (since /user and /pwd command line switches work). Just keep in
mind that the /pwd command line switch is NOT for a database password, but
ONLY for the workgroup user name password. This workgroup security IS
supported in access 2007 and 2007 runtime, but ONLY if you use mdb file
formats, not accDB or accDE formats.

Is it possible to use vbscript to open an "accdr" database", e.g. following
code in .vbs file:

dim accessApp
set accessApp = createObject("Access.Application")
accessApp.visible = False

Windows Script Host gives the following: "Microsoft Access can't open the
database because it is missing, or opened exclusively by another user, or it
is not an ADP file."

The code works fine if the database is an accdb.