Transfering email contacts between Outlook & Outlook Express & back again

  • Thread starter Thread starter gordon.barber
  • Start date Start date


I need to transfer 220+ contacts (including 10 specific email groups)
from Microsoft Outlook 2002 to Ooutlook Express & potentially back to
Microsoft Outlook 2003.

The situation relates to a contacts list for our footy club which needs
to be "shared" between 3 people with 3 different software progs

Can I export/Inport via Excel/comma delimited files?

Will this create "duplicates" or simply overwrite existing contacts &
update any changes that have occurred in the previous month.

Would using Microsoft Exchange Server fix this problem?

Would be great if someone could direct me to an article or 3 that
clearly explains things in laymans terms. I've read a number of
Microsoft Forum articles which confuse the ^&Z(!%#^ out of me or don't
address the specific issue that I have

Many thks in advance
I need to transfer 220+ contacts (including 10 specific email groups)
from Microsoft Outlook 2002 to Ooutlook Express & potentially back to
Microsoft Outlook 2003.

Outlook Express to Outlook is easy. The other way not quite as easy.
Can I export/Inport via Excel/comma delimited files?

Yes, but I would go that way only for Outlook to Outlook Express.
Will this create "duplicates" or simply overwrite existing contacts &
update any changes that have occurred in the previous month.

I don't know, never having done it.
Would using Microsoft Exchange Server fix this problem?

Exchange wouldn't make any difference at all.
Would be great if someone could direct me to an article or 3 that
clearly explains things in laymans terms. I've read a number of
Microsoft Forum articles which confuse the ^&Z(!%#^ out of me or don't
address the specific issue that I have

Exporting and importing contacts between the two programs is relatively
straight forward. For OE to Outlook, in Outlook click FIle>Import and
Export>Import Internet Mail and Addresses>Next. Select Outlook Express,
unclecj all but "Address Book", click Next, select the duplicate handling
you want, and click Finish.

For Outl;ook to OE, in Outlook click File>Import and Export>Export to a
file>Next. Select "Comma Separated Values (Windows)" and click Next.
Select the Contacts folder and click Next. ENter the path of the file you
wish to hold the contacts and click Next, then Finish. The default field
mapping should work. In Outlook Express, click FIle>Import>Other Address
Book, choose "Text File (COmma Separated Values)", then click Import.
Browse to the csv you saved in Outlook, click Open, then Next, then Finish.