transfering database from one pc to others using msde

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how do I transfer database create using on one pc to other pc using
msde. I don't see any tool provide with msde to export and import database.
There are several techniques, but I like to use the tools to detach the SQL
Server database and re-attach the files on the target system. This is harder
without the tools (in SQL Enterprise Manager), but you can still use
and sp_attach_db to reattach the files.


Bill Vaughn
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I have seen a lot of people use the detach methods in the news groups, Just
a quick question, Why wouldn't you just use the backup and restore methods,
it would then create the database's file structure on the disk a lot cleaner
then with the attach restore.

Also I would just like to add that after I have move a development database
into a production system, I would make sure that I ran a dbreindex, and a
checkdb just to make sure the transfer was completed properly. You also have
to make sure that you remap the logon's that are needed as reattaching or
restoreing the database would not transfer the logins, only the user
accounts for the database in question.

Glenn Wilson.