Tom said:
My current HD is sounding much louder over time. I am concerned that
it may be failing. If this is true, how could I transfer the software
programs that I have currently loaded on this HD to a new HD? My
concern are the software programs I have loaded via the web on my
current HD with no backup CD-ROM disks. I would appreciate any
assistance that you could provide me.
Have a look at the new disk manufacturer's web site. They may have a
software package, for free, that works with their drive. That
software will copy the contents of an old disk, to the new disk.
When booting the new disk, remember to have the old disk
disconnected for the first reboot. And if something goes
wrong, you can always copy the old disk to the new one,
"Data Migration:
If you are upgrading and want to migrate your data from the old
drive to the new drive we provide DiscWizard as an option."
Depending on the drive type, and the OS you are using, you may
want to read this as well. There is an issue with drives over a
certain capacity. If you don't want to read this document at all,
then purchase a 40, 60, 80, or 120GB disk, as they're small enough
to not be an issue. For drives over 120GB, you should prepare the
OS to handle a larger disk. If you're running WinXP SP1 or SP2,
that may be enough to do it (no registry edit needed).