Hello I have a cell which contains a string wiht n words (n may vary fo
each row) each word separated by ",".
How can I spread each word in a cell of the same row?
Exemple :
A1 contains : "AAA,bbbs,cccaaa, ddd"
A2 contains : "eee,ffff"
and I want
B1 : "AAA"; C1 : "bbbs"; D1 : "ddd"
B2 : "eee"; C2 : "fff"
Thanks for your help
each row) each word separated by ",".
How can I spread each word in a cell of the same row?
Exemple :
A1 contains : "AAA,bbbs,cccaaa, ddd"
A2 contains : "eee,ffff"
and I want
B1 : "AAA"; C1 : "bbbs"; D1 : "ddd"
B2 : "eee"; C2 : "fff"
Thanks for your help