Transfer queries and reports into an existing database

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I need to find a way to transfer existing queries and reports into an already
existing database. The problem rests on the fact the database we will be
transferring to will not have access on there machine. We are using an
access database to store data but our customers don’t have access on there
machine. Now I need to figure out how to do a few things programmatically:
-Transfer reports and queries into the existing databases
- make a program that will print that report without access

I would like to make a program in to do this and any help would be
Hi, Joel.
The problem rests on the fact the database we will be
transferring to will not have access on there machine.

I suspect you mean "Access on their machines."

As long as you're using Access on another workstation on their network to
execute the transfer of the objects to the database file on the workstation
that doesn't have Access, you're fine. Well, you're fine as long as the
versions and file formats are compatible.
but our customers don't have access on there

Do I hear an echo? ;-)
Now I need to figure out how to do a few things programmatically:
-Transfer reports and queries into the existing databases
- make a program that will print that report without access

I would like to make a program in to do this

I seriously doubt you'll be writing a VB.Net program to do this, unless it's
to automate Access. Access is the only software application that can read
reports in, or write reports to, a Jet database file. It's a proprietary
format and interface. I'd recommend buying at least one copy of Access to
go on the customers' network for this task and then creating snapshots of
the necessary reports with it. The Snapshot Viewer is a free download for
those who don't have Access installed.
any help would be great.

You may use the DAO library for creating the QueryDef objects, provided it's
available, even if Access isn't. If you wish to, please post a question in
the VB.Net newsgroups for help on that.


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