Pete T
First I am very sorry we are using older software.
Using Extra Personal Client 6.5
Access 97
Windows 2000
I have a macro in Attachmates-Extra Personal Client Terminal Emulator
which selects out data on the screenm to be posted to a Database. I
can select out the data but accessing the Database from within Extra
has be a challenge. Here is my code, the errors start at rst.AddNew.
MyArea is a copied screen area of data.
' Transfer Code to Database
Dim db as object
Dim rst as object
Dim strCon as string
Dim strSQL as string
Set db=createobject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
Set rst=createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
Source=\\xxx\xxx\xxxx\WS Verification.mdb" ' Database is on another
db.open strCon
strSQL = "Select * FROM WS" ' WS is the Basic Entry Table
rst.open strSQL,db
rst.fields("SSNName") = MyArea
rst.fields("LO")= "6490"
Msgbox " Update Completed."
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Appreciate any help, as this project "if it works" will go statewide.
Currently we have to copy the data to an Outlook form , then process
it to the database. Trying to cut out the middle man. Thanks
Using Extra Personal Client 6.5
Access 97
Windows 2000
I have a macro in Attachmates-Extra Personal Client Terminal Emulator
which selects out data on the screenm to be posted to a Database. I
can select out the data but accessing the Database from within Extra
has be a challenge. Here is my code, the errors start at rst.AddNew.
MyArea is a copied screen area of data.
' Transfer Code to Database
Dim db as object
Dim rst as object
Dim strCon as string
Dim strSQL as string
Set db=createobject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
Set rst=createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
Source=\\xxx\xxx\xxxx\WS Verification.mdb" ' Database is on another
db.open strCon
strSQL = "Select * FROM WS" ' WS is the Basic Entry Table
rst.open strSQL,db
rst.fields("SSNName") = MyArea
rst.fields("LO")= "6490"
Msgbox " Update Completed."
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Appreciate any help, as this project "if it works" will go statewide.
Currently we have to copy the data to an Outlook form , then process
it to the database. Trying to cut out the middle man. Thanks