transfer office 2000 to new pc

  • Thread starter Thread starter Loryo
  • Start date Start date
You dont transfer, you use the Office 2000 cd to install on the Vista PC,
having first uninstalled any Office trial version. However Outlook 2000 is
not compatible with Vista so you will likely have problems
I've installed office 2000 successfully and would like to transfer my .pst
files. Where do I save them to? In XP they are in c:\documents ans
settings, but Vista doesn't have that option. And when I search the Vista
machine, I can't find where the .pst files are.

I will upgrade my new PC to Outlook 07, but my old PC has no disk room to
install it before I transfer the files.

Thanks bunches.
Vista stores the former My Documents under Users.

To find the .pst file, enable searching hidden files/folders.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Loryo asked:

| I've installed office 2000 successfully and would like to transfer my
| .pst files. Where do I save them to? In XP they are in c:\documents
| ans settings, but Vista doesn't have that option. And when I search
| the Vista machine, I can't find where the .pst files are.
| I will upgrade my new PC to Outlook 07, but my old PC has no disk
| room to install it before I transfer the files.
| Thanks bunches.
| "DL" wrote:
|| You dont transfer, you use the Office 2000 cd to install on the
|| Vista PC, having first uninstalled any Office trial version. However
|| Outlook 2000 is not compatible with Vista so you will likely have
|| problems
|| ||| How do I transfer office 2000, including outlook, from xp desktop
||| to new vista laptop?
It is not neccessary to install office or Outlook if you are going to
Having removed any trial version & rebooted, simply insert Office 2007
upgrade cd, when it complains about no qualifying version, remove 2007 cd
replace with earlier edition cd, once verified swap cd's and continue

Locate your old pst's in the Documents folder
Assuming OL 2007; Start & configure OL with a new data file, once tested,
within OL, File>Open>Data File......browse to your old data file
You have the option then to *copy* data from the old set of Personal Folders
to the new set, or simply leave old set open
By default the pst is located in a hidden folder you have to search to
include hidden
The reason you want to use a new data file in 2007 is that it uses a
different file format (unicode) and doesnt have the max size issues that
versions pre OL2003 have