mike, did you bother to read the article you recommended?
From the article "Ntbackup does not recognize .qic files that you create with Msbackup even if the the files were created without software compression. This occurs because Ntbackup is designed to recognize only the .bkf file format and not the .qic format that is used by Msbackup."
The article refers to "Tape" backups. Lynn has the files backed up to a Zip drive. The files will need to be resored on a 95, 98 or Me system then copied to XP.
From the article "Ntbackup's ability to recognize tapes that were created with Msbackup is a feature exclusive to the Windows XP version of Ntbackup. Backup tapes created by Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition (Me) use the QIC113 format and can be identified by looking at the Identification label Type in Removable Storage Manager (RSM). The Windows NT and Windows 2000 versions of Ntbackup do not recognize or support tapes using the QIC113 format.
To resolve this behavior, restore the data from the tape or file by using Msbackup on a computer that is running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me.
This behavior is by design."
Just my 2¢ worth
__________in response to__________
| Install ntbackup from your xp cd. Insert your windows XP disc into your PC.
| Click exit if your installation screen comes up. Now go too your CD drive in
| *My Computer*. Right-click and select open. Choose VALUE ADD\MSFT\NT BACK-UP
| FILE. In the *files of type* drop down list be sure that *select all files*
| is on. Click on the NTBACK-UP.msi file and click okay. Click the finish
| button.