Transfer favourites, hierarchy destroyed


Fred Ma


I posted the following bookmarks problem on an NT newsgroup,
but haven't got much response. I'm actually using Win2K.
Thanks if anyone can comment on it.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Transfer favourites, hierarchy destroyed
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 21:38:24 -0500
From: Fred Ma <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.inetexplorer.nt


I've exported my favourites to a bookmark.htm file so that I
use them on another computer. However, hierarchy is all
gone when I import it into MS-IE. Is this the normal
behaviour? Is there a way to do this transfer without
losing the folder hierarchy? The strange thing is that when
I view the bookmark file using MS-IE, the hierarchy seems to
exist (different levels of indentation). It is only when I
import the bookmark file that the hierarchy gets flattened.


P.S. I am using MS-IE 6.0.2800.1106
"SP1; Q824145; Q330994"

Robert Aldwinckle

hierarchy is all gone when I import it into MS-IE

I just tried the File, Import/Export wizard to export Favorites
and it doesn't appear to support exporting more than one folder
at a time, so I don't think we should be surprised if it doesn't
seem to understand implied multiple folders while importing
(assuming that that is what you are complaining about.)

when I view the bookmark file using MS-IE,
the hierarchy seems to exist

It doesn't even provide for concatenating one export to an already
exported file so I don't know how you would have created one with
a "hierarchy"?

Is there a way to do this transfer
without losing the folder hierarchy?

I think that I would use another tool.
Xcopy has lots of exploitable switches...
or try zipping the files and folders
if you have a utility which does that.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

Fred Ma

Robert said:
I just tried the File, Import/Export wizard to export Favorites
and it doesn't appear to support exporting more than one folder
at a time, so I don't think we should be surprised if it doesn't
seem to understand implied multiple folders while importing
(assuming that that is what you are complaining about.)

Robert, are you using the same MS-IE version, and maybe windows
version? I just tried it again, and if I choose the topmost
favourites folder and save it to bookmark.htm, it saves all
favourites in all subfolders as well. And if I open bookmarks.htm,
the hierarchy is apparent from the groupings of bookmarks and the
different levels of indentation. So the information is there.
It doesn't even provide for concatenating one export to an already
exported file so I don't know how you would have created one with
a "hierarchy"?

Perhaps we are using different browser versions or windows
versions. As I mentioned above, I didn't have to concatenate
bookmark folders to get all my bookmarks saved, and still preserver
the folder hierarchy. The problem is when MS-IE reads those
bookmarks back in (on a different machine). Maybe I should clarify
that when I say a favourites "folder", I don't mean a folder on the
file system, I mean a folder in the favourites organizer. Sorry if
that wasn't clear.

It sounds like you're suggesting that I save the bookmarks
of each favourites folder in a different file, minus the
subfolders in the favourites organizer. That's a pretty
tedious procedure for a nontrivial hierarchy of favourites.
I'll probably be doing this on and off
on a semiregular basis, since I work on two different machines.
It sure would be nice if MS-IE could be made to recognize the
hierarchy in the bookmark.htm file when it is imported. But
thanks for taking the time to look at the problem.


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